Saturday 15 October 2016

Thursday 6 October 2016

"Kill Them Wherever You Find Them", Quran, Unbelievers, Violence, Terrorism And Criticism Of Islam

Does God Exist? Is God Real? Is There A God?

No human being on the earth ever lived without encountering any of the following  questions at least once in his/ her life time:
Why do we exist? Why does the universe exist? Is there any value or purpose for our existence?  None of us had planned to be born in this world;  so, why are we here on the earth now? What is our purpose and mission here? Why do we have difficulties, tragedies, fears, anxiety, pain and sorrow? Why do we have thoughts, dreams and nightmares?  Why do we have a sense of existence, sense of purpose, intelligence, memory, ability for imagination and capacity for rational thinking? Are the existences of beauty, complexity, purposefulness and intelligence on the earth in the form of plants, animals, humans merely the result of blind luck and unplanned incidents of millions of years? Are the existences of the most handsome men and the most beautiful women on the earth simply accidental and mere random?  Did existences of the highest pleasure of orgasm or sexual climax during sexual intercourse and the latter intense pain of delivery during natural child birth is quite accidental and by chance? Why do evil and injustice to innocents exist here? Why do people have opportunity to hate, cheat and kill each other here?  Why are there war and violence?  Why are there nuclear bombs? Why do innocent and poor people struggle for even food for a single time in a day while rich waste it throughout the day? Did physical objects  which are made up of mere  atoms or electrons automatically, naturally, blindly and unconsciously  interacted, evolved and transformed  by millions of years of biological evolution into human flesh and body that undergoes pain, sorrow, anxiety,  sufferings, tragedies, fears etc. without any natural opposition or conflict within the atoms or electrons while these atoms or electrons were being ‘happily’ evolved naturally by millions of years in this way into pain-sensing  or unnecessarily suffering human beings-for apparently no reason or human beings with the capacity to feel even unwelcomed pain?
Are these all the products of blind laws of physics? Did these all come into existence accidentally by blind natural processes of evolution?  Are the poor and weak the victims of these blind physical laws of the universe? Are the blind, deaf, physically challenged etc.  are destined to live  without enjoyment for life time because of accidental origin of life and evolution?  Are patients who spend  365 days  a year on sickbed are suffering because of a blind process that happened millions of years ago ? Is the opportunity to kill millions of people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki  using nuclear bombs the product of evolution?  Are the painful, tragic destiny of innocent men died for no reasons in the hands Adolf Hitler(victims:30 million), Mao Zedong(victims: 60 million), Joseph Stalin:(victims:40 million), etc.  end products of some accidental,  purposeless,  natural  process of evolution ? Is the existence of favorable environment on the earth to kill or severely injure innocent human beings by fellow humans simply accidental and merely the result of blind luck and unplanned, unconscious natural processes of biological evolution of millions of years?   Did the pain and sufferings of these innocent human beings come into existence by blind laws of nature?
For convenience, I  would like to reduce all these questions to a simple one: i.e., the problem of existence.
Logically, there can be two-solutions for the problem of existence or the reasons behind why we and the universe exist.
Solution 1:  Everything i.e., Sun, earth, plants, animals, sense organs, beauty, intelligence, memory, imagination, human beings, war, violence, pain, sorrow, sufferings, nuclear bombs, smart phones, driverless cars, supersonic  aircrafts, super computers, etc. came into existence accidentally by natural processes and by blind laws of physics without any kind of involvement of an intelligent designer or Creator.
Solution 2:  A Being who is eternal, independent of space and time, perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness created it from nothing for a purpose in which the purpose can be comprehended by the infinite wisdom of the Creator alone where the creations can’t grasp the reasons why they are created because of their finite intelligence and knowledge.
God existence remains hidden from naked eyes because of the fact that God’s original intention(as revealed by God in the Holy Qur’an-it is explained in the latter session of this article why the Holy Qur’an is the credible source to understand God’s creation plan) is to test the whole mankind at individual level who all are denying God or who all are accepting God by provision of freedom of choice and freewill for both in equal   i.e., either to accept God or deny God. If God is visible by naked eyes to mankind, then probably there won’t be any significance for divine test of life of mankind.  This is the logic we realize with our limited reasoning ability and intelligence why God is behind the scenes now.
God will test us for a negligible period of average 75-100 years of life on the earth either with worldly pleasures such as wealth, power, fame, food, sex, luxuries, entertainments etc. or with tragedies, difficulties, diseases, pain, sorrow and sufferings. There will be peace of mind in this world and heaven in the hereafter whoever succeeds this test by obeying commandments of God without rejecting or cursing God and those people will live eternally in heaven with everlasting happiness and zero sorrow. Those who killed or tortured innocent humans and thus violated God’s commandments or people who committed sins will be punished by God, unless they haven’t repented sincerely before the death arrives. All the so-called injustices felt by humans during their testing period on the earth will be compensated by the God without causing injustice or partiality to any one because God is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Actually the test by God on the earth about 75-100 years is negligible while compared to the eternal life of the Heaven or Hell. Testing for a very short period with pain or sufferings doesn’t mean that God is merciless or sadistic. This narrow perception of reality is the result of lack of humbleness to acknowledge God’s infinite Wisdom while compared to our limited intelligence and this thinking is equivalent to a child who misunderstood his/her doctor’s report to perform critical surgery  to save the child’s life. The child believed that the doctor is cruel and sadistic but in reality doctor’s actions are intended to save the child.
Nobody is predestined by God to become an atheist or theist. Nobody can blame God for his/her own chosen destiny. An atheist will be never forced by God to become a theist and vice versa. Every human being has been given freedom and freewill to obey or reject God. Nobody will be punished by God if he/she genuinely failed to realize the existence of God even after sincere and honest inquiries.  Meanwhile, nobody can cheat the God or nobody can give wrong testimony because God is aware of even the greatest secrets of the hearts or minds. God knows who all are received clear evidences and still rejected God for his/ her worldly pleasures and God knows who all are not received clear evidences for God’s existence. God has dispersed in-direct evidences such as purposeful, beautiful, intelligent, complex creations on the earth, divine revelations through God’s selected messengers such as Prophet Muhammad, Jesus Christ, Moses etc. as proofs for God’s existence and it seems direct evidence such as seeing God with naked eye will nullify the God’s intended test as we discussed earlier.  Beauty and logic of this test is understood when we realize the fact that even though God knows the result of the test prior to the test as God is all-knowing, the individual like you and me who is undergoing the test never know the result of the test until the end of the test i.e., until we die and get resurrected at the Day of Judgment.
Still, neither  we are not informed about is there any hidden Wisdom behind why God created us nor it remains solely with God  and we can’t grasp it with our limited intelligence and knowledge even though we are informed about it.
At the end of the day, it is worth mentioning here that God is not questionable for any actions such as why God created us or created this world for testing mankind where we are questionable by God because we are just God’s creations!
The Most Dangerous Misconception: “God Is Fabricated By Foolish, Ignorant Ancient People In History.”
The most dangerous misunderstanding or misconception of our beloved atheist friends and authors is God and religion is a fabrication by foolish, ignorant ancient people in history. According to our beloved atheists, there were fear, excitement, devotion and respect among human beings   about various natural phenomena such as Sun, moon, stars, meteoroids, comets, lighting, thunderstorm, animals, plants etc.  and they blindly believed universe is complex and full of mystery in ancient times; so they fabricated a so-called superstitious God to explain all these natural phenomena and also for various psychological, social and financial advantages and to threaten, dominate and control ignorant and stupid public or communities of ancient times, prior to the Enlightenment movement in Europe in 18th century that promoted science, reasoning, rational thinking and scientifically explained various natural phenomena and consequently it is falsely claimed by atheists that God is a fabrication and existence of God is a superstition.
This misconception our beloved atheists about God and religion is mainly the product of religious opposition of early Christianity in Europe to early scientists and freethinking philosophers.  A true religion will never oppose rational thinking because man is created as a rational being by God. By the way, why there are so many religions? At the beginning there was only one religion preached by a messenger of God using divine Scripture revealed to that messenger of God. When people had started deviating from true principle of God several years after the death of that messenger, God sent another messenger to reroute people from the deviated path to the true path of God.  In the course of time, the community of earlier messenger had turned to an independent religion with different rituals and principles. This is the reason why we can notice many similarities between different religions in the world.  So, when Jews deviated from true message of God taught by Moses,  altered or modified the original Torah revealed to Moses by God, God sent Jesus Christ as the messenger of God to Jewish community to reroute to the true path of God with the Gospel. Later, when Christianity too deviated from the original path God sent Prophet Muhammad, the final messenger to whole mankind and ensured divine protection from any kind of humanly alteration or distortions for God’s final revelation i.e., the Holy Qur’an-as there is no more revelations to come to mankind from God after the revelation of the Holy Qur’an.
Hence, factors such as, the deviation of Christianity from true principle of God (as Jews did earlier), church-fabricated dogma of Trinity, efforts to sanctify and promote the corrupted or altered Bible as the true word of God, the Inquisition and execution of the philosopher Giordano Bruno, the Inquisition  and punishment of the scientist Galileo Galilei by Roman Catholic Church etc. triggered and created the false impression or  bad reputation or dangerous misconception   that  God is fabricated by human beings and the existence of God is   a lie and all religions are superstitions and all religious authorities afraid of science and reason because the existence of God itself is a superstition.
The most interesting thing is that when early Christianity opposed scientific inquiry and reasoning, Islam encouraged and contributed well to science and freethinking philosophy and produced many influential Muslim scientists like Avicenna, Averroes, Rhazes, Al-Ghazali, Al-Kindi etc. whose contributions were instrumental in the growth of modern science and philosophy.
As mentioned earlier, the rise of  Enlightenment movement in Europe in 18th century promoted reason, free thinking, scientific inquiries to explain various natural phenomena and consequent  attempts to provide scientific explanations for intelligence, sense of purpose, complexity, beauty and  various physical phenomena of the universe and beloved atheists propagated that there is no more need for God because sense of purpose, complexity, intelligence, beauty, memory, imagination, capacity for rational thinking, pain, sorrow, sufferings, war, violence, injustice, evil etc. is  falsely claimed to be explained by  evolution and natural selection mechanisms and  it seems our beloved atheists relieved themselves in this way: ”there is no more worries and headaches to worship some so-called superstitious God by compulsion from society or parents  and we have full freedom to do whatever we wish in our life and so-called myth of religion can’t manipulate us no more!”
Meanwhile, apart from the independent rational and logical evidences, the existence of God is cross-checked and confirmed by the ultimate credible divine source -The Holy Qur’an (it is explained in the latter session of this article why the Holy Qur’an is ultimate proof for the existence of God), the thousands of honest, selfless men lived and died for the sake of God in different time periods in history and most influential persons in history like Prophet Muhammad, Jesus Christ, Moses etc.  If all those men in history were liars and not the real messengers of God and if they hadn’t presented clear evidences for the existence of God, they would have been easily rejected by their respective communities where they preached the existence of God because naturally people don’t like restrictions to their freedom in life to do whatever they wish (i.e., to drink alcohol, to have sex with any one, to cheat any one, to steal etc.)  in the form of  God or religion. Because what does religion do? It will restrict people-not to lie, not to cheat, not to abuse, not to torture, not to steal, not to drink alcohol, not to have sex with someone else’s wife or prostitute, not to kill, and promote moral values such as-respect everyone, work and earn, control anger, practice patience, do fasting, feed and help the poor, spend time for worshiping God etc. What is the logical and rational possibility of the assumption of our beloved atheists that people blindly accepted so-called false claims of Moses, Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad and simply surrendered themselves to a lifelong prison of religious restrictions of narrow life of limited freedom, overcoming their uncontrolled  natural biological temptations for  complete freedom in life-freedom to live a life without religious restrictions,  freedom for consuming any food of choice, uncontrolled sex  with anyone etc. in their life?
Contrary to the false assumption of our beloved atheists, the claims of men like Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad etc. were challenged and questioned by their respective communities. It is a misconception of our beloved atheists that before the existence of modern science, ancient people were too stupid to accept blindly without any rational free thoughts, whatever the claims of Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad etc. It is baseless that only modern atheists had the rational awareness to question the claims of the existence of God. Ancient communities too had challenged and questioned the claims. For example, see the below verses from the Holy Qur’an stating the false accusations about Prophet Muhammad by his opponents in Arabia:
”And those who disbelieve say: This is nothing but a lie which he(Prophet Muhammad) has forged, and other people have helped him at it; so indeed they have done injustice and (uttered) a falsehood.  And they say: The stories of the ancients-he has got them written-so these are read out to him morning and evening. Say: He(God) has revealed it(Qur’an) Who knows the secret in the heavens and the earth; surely He is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” [Translations of the Qur’an, Surah 25: AL-FURQAN (THE CRITERION, THE STANDARD, Verses 025.004-006) ]
But the clear, rational evidences presented to them made majority of them to trust in Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad etc. It is not the lack of their intelligence; instead it is the presence of clear evidences from these messengers of God that made them to trust the existence of God.   It was up to an individual in their respective communities whether to accept or reject them making use of their personal choices of either complete freedom in life  or a narrow life of religious restrictions by accepting the messengers of God. The freedom of choice and free will of individuals are the provision of God to all. Hence, there were no compulsions. The issue of acceptance or rejection of God is between the particular individual and God and messengers’ duty is only to convey the message.  Still some individuals preferred personal freedom than accepting the messengers. The messengers are not there to forcefully convert some one as it is against God’s Will.
Also, look in to another scenario of the rational impossibility of the false claim of our beloved atheists that human beings fabricated God and religion: Think about the period in history as our beloved atheists’ falsely claimed: Human beings gradually evolved from ape –like ancestors and lived in forests. While living in the forests, they observed and frightened by various natural phenomena like lighting, thunderstorm, meteoroids, volcanoes etc.  and blindly believed that there is a God. Our rationality automatically inquires how this religious awareness of God suddenly arised to these ‘human’ animals if evolution is real?  It is self explanatory that so-called evolutionary ape- like ancestors of human beings do not had any kind of religious awareness that exists today among human beings.  According to our beloved atheists human beings are merely animals. It is a known fact that animals live only for their basic needs   such as food, sex, shelter etc. and there is no role for God or religion for animals. There is no business or thoughts for animals beyond their natural instincts of food, sex and shelter. Have you seen any animals wearing dresses to cover their nakedness? They are not even aware that they are naked. But humans do. Have you seen any animals killing other animals except for food? But humans do; they kill other humans for pride.  So, How and why does this fundamental awareness or consciousness of existence suddenly appeared in Homo sapiens (name for human species) compared to their ape-like ancestors if evolution is real as our beloved atheists claim?
Hence, there is no rational basis for the claim of our atheist friends that humans fabricated God by fearing various natural phenomena like lighting, thunderstorm, meteoroids, volcanoes etc.
Misconception 2: “Darwinian Evolution Is A Scientifically Proved Fact.”
Our beloved atheists claim that Darwinian evolution is scientifically proved fact. Anyone who questions the credibility of evolution will be labeled as creationist or supporter of pseudo-science or a religiously biased individual or as a person who don’t understand evolution or even a stupid.  The evolution theory is taught in schools, colleges and universities and researchers submit PhD thesis in the subject. All these created a wrong reputation that evolution is an unquestionable absolute scientific fact and atheist lobby working in the scientific and academic world plays a prominent role in this false propaganda. Any researcher questioning evolution will receive negative reviews by peers or universities. The atheist lobby in scientific world also propagates the false claim: “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”.  It is worth mentioning here the famous quote by Joseph Goebbels: “Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth.”
Now we can guess how even the most open-minded, intelligent people in our society are being brainwashed and starts blindly believing evolution as a proven scientific fact.
There are books available written by even scientists and academicians questioning the credibility of evolution. A Few of them are listed below:
  1. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton (1985)
  2. Darwin on Trial by Phillip E. Johnson (1991)
  3. Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael J. Behe (1996)
  4. Icons of Evolution, Science or Myth?  by Jonathan Wells (2002)
  5. What Darwin Got Wrong by Jerry Fodor (2010)
There are many articles, videos, documentaries, websites, books  available  explaining why evolution is not a proven scientific fact only a hypothesis mostly remains unchallenged in the scientific world  because of strong anti religion biases and strong influence of atheist lobby in the scientific and academic world. This is mainly because of the fact that a real crisis arises in the scientific world if evolution is wrong what will be alternative theory for the origin of life? Accepting intelligent design? No, science can’t even imagine accepting that because there is a dangerous misconception that a scientific inquiry of existence of God is incompatible with the holy purpose of scientific methods of logic or reason. So, the scientific world encourages only researches that support evolution and any researches criticizing evolution will be simply labeled as pseudo-science.  There are many scientists while trusting the existence of God, contributed well to scientific research and developments. It is not reasonable to assume that trust in God is out of fashion or a black mark  for scientists and religious scientists are unfit for scientific inventions.
Usually, when someone tries to question the rational basis of  Darwinian evolution , our beloved evolutionists and atheists hit back by saying “ you don’t understand “ evolution, biology  or even science! I would like to ask my beloved evolutionists and atheists the following questions which based on pure reason or logic:
 Question no.1:  Imagine a time period in the process of evolution by natural selection when there were non-existence of  : 1.Self-awareness, 2.Consciousness 3. Sense  organs. Pick a probability that self-awareness and consciousness evolved first, without sense organs. Obviously, it is impossible to have self-awareness and consciousness without sense organs. So, logically sense organs must have existed before the evolution of self-awareness and consciousness.
Now a question arises, why, how and for what the chemical compounds acquired the awareness of: 1. Sight  2.Hearing  3.Smell   4.Taste 5.Touch from nothingness? Because chemical compounds don’t possess the idea or concept of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch.  Imagine organic chemical compounds continuously react to light, temperature, pressure, humidity etc. But, how can it develop to a concept of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch? Because there is no inherent awareness or consciousness within these organic chemicals that integrates and transforms the change in to meaningful vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Photons may bombard the chemical compounds causing electron transport chains and proton pumps. Infra red waves may alter the thermal equilibrium.  Pressure can change the volume and so on.  Interestingly, it implies that there must be self-awareness and consciousness before the existence of sense organs. So, which might have evolved first? Self-awareness and consciousness or sense organs? Our beloved evolutionists and atheists can never have an answer for this because of logical impossibility of their claims.
How can a rational human being assume that the tremendous organized complexity, beauty, intelligence and purposefulness of living systems existing on the earth is evolved from non-living matter of dead chemicals by unplanned, unconscious, natural random processes of billions of years?  Think about it yourself for a moment. What I inquired is based pure reason and logic; nothing else!  It is not rational to assume “there can’t be any God; so, evolution must be true.” This is called circular reasoning and it is a logical fallacy.
Actually the claims of our beloved atheists are based on extreme prejudices about religion and God. Here is how the circular logic of our beloved atheists works: There can’t be any God at all. Nothing except evolution will explain our existence scientifically, logically and rationally. So, evolution must be true. So, blind rejection of the existence of God made them to trust that evolution must be real. So, they don’t even ready to accept and acknowledge the rational and logical impossibility of evolution if someone approaches them with clear evidences against evolution. It is on the weakest foundations of the theory of biological evolution in which the atheism is built. So, our beloved atheists can’t even imagine if someone rationally questions the credibility and logical possibility of evolution. As we discussed earlier, you may be labeled or treated as stupid, uneducated, and religiously biased or as a person who don’t have capability to understand biological evolution. In simple words: Rejection Of Darwinian Evolution = End Of Atheism In The World.
According to our beloved  atheist friends and authors, the idea of a Being who is eternal, independent of space and time, perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness is illogical and it is the idea of universe or multiverse which is eternal that makes sense!   ( They propagate their  illogical and irrational claims at the expense of science or scientism that everything came into existence without a purpose accidentally by blind laws of physics without intelligent effort of a Creator which mainly happened because of the misconception that the existence of God is a superstition and hence anything regarding the existence of God is incompatible with science and reason, which is not true.)
In both the cases (i.e., solution 1 or solution 2), either universe or the Creator is logically requires to be eternal. So, what is rational in inquiring who created the Creator while universe can be eternal? It does not make sense because Creator can be eternal and  the eternity and perfection of the Creator in power, wisdom, goodness is a fact that is confirmed from credible source (The Holy Qur’an) and also  it  does not make any sense to doubt any source that is credible.(It is explained in the latter session of this article why the Holy Qur’an is the credible source to know about attributes of the Creator)
It seems that our beloved atheist friends and authors have been either mentally conditioned to blindly trust science for all questions of life or brainwashed by a narrow perception of reality promoted by fundamentalist fervor of scientism; i.e., an exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods of natural science applied  to all areas of investigation (as in philosophy, the social sciences, and the humanities).
There are plenty of evidences for the existence of a Creator. A very few of them are listed below:
1. Evidence from the existence of self-awareness and  human consciousness.
2. Evidence from the existence of the capacity for rational thinking and logical reasoning.
3. Evidence from the existence of purposeful coexistence of complex and intelligent living systems on the earth and a fine-tuned universe.
4. Evidence from the existence of a definite purpose, intelligence, beauty and complexity on the earth.
5. Evidence from the existence of pain and suffering.
6. Evidence from the existence of thousands of men at different time periods in history who were martyred or tortured  for preaching the existence of the Creator. They were either tortured to death or offered worldly pleasures such as power, wealth, beautiful women, wines, honors, fame etc. by their enemies, or both, to stop preaching about the Creator. But, still they sacrificed their precious life and remained steadfast  for preaching the existence of the Creator in spite of all these sufferings or temptations. For example, Prophet Muhammad, Jesus Christ, Moses etc.
7.  Finally, but not least,  the evidence from the existence of the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an is the ultimate proof for the existence of the Creator, i.e., the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness.
The Holy Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the Creator as the final message of divine guidance to the entire mankind through the angel called Gabriel in the duration of 23 years, part by part, in different contexts. He memorized and delivered this original verses of the Holy  Qur’an revealed to him time to time, to his companions orally and they memorized it and later preserved it as Scripture for the future generations of the mankind. The Holy Qur’an is divinely protected by the Creator by the Will of the Creator, from making any modifications or changes to the original verses of the Holy Qur’an by any human being, even the Prophet Muhammad, as it is the final revelation and the final message of divine guidance from the Creator to the entire mankind.
It is worth mentioning here that previous revelations from God, like Bible and Torah are no more authentic or valid because the original revelations of Bible and Torah from God doesn’t exist as it is now and they were altered or distorted by Christians and Jews in long run whereas the Holy Qur’an is protected by God from any kind of alterations as it is the final message to the mankind and there can’t be any more revelations from God since the final revelation of Holy Qur’an. Since the original Arabic Verses of the Holy Qur’an is divinely protected, you can find only single version of original Arabic Verses of the Holy Qur’an anywhere in the world-i.e., the Holy Qur’an lacks any kind of geographical or cultural variations in the original Arabic Verses. Let your visual inspection be conducted in US, UK, Brazil, South Africa, Japan, Australia or anywhere in the world; all the copies of original Arabic Verses of the Holy Qur’an from the countries of your choice will be the same.  Meanwhile, you will find multiple versions of the Bible, Torah etc. with differences in verses and no consensus can be achieved ever if someone tries to find the original word of God from these different versions. These things are not discussed here to defame the Bible or Torah and just only to realize the facts. The most interesting thing is that the Holy Qur’an has instructed its followers to believe in the original revelations of the Gospel and Torah even though they don’t exist at present in the original forms as revealed by God. The propaganda of our beloved atheists and others that the Holy Qur’an endorses violence and terrorism and the propaganda that the Holy Qur’an is full of errors in reference to modern scientific discoveries-are totally baseless and undoubtedly they are all the products of misinterpretation of the Holy Qur’an without understanding the actual historical context of the Verses of the Holy Qur’an and extreme anti-Islam biases.
Prophet Muhammad was illiterate and was an orphan. He lived in Mecca of Arabia peacefully as an ordinary man in his entire youth till 40 years old, honored and loved by all Arabian tribes of Mecca as honest and trustworthy (His nickname was Al-Ameen which means trustworthy) before his prophethood by the Creator,  and once he informed his prophethood to powerful and mighty Arabian tribes of Mecca, suddenly they started perceiving  him as their enemy and identified Prophet Muhammad  as a threat to their authority, power, leadership  and even their existence.
Being unable to stop people from listening to the Holy Qur’an because of the inimitable literary merit of the Holy Qur’an and without realizing the mission and the divine origin of the Holy Qur’an,   the powerful and mighty Arabian tribes united against Prophet Muhammad and offered power, wealth, the most beautiful women in Arabia of his choice, fame and other worldly pleasures to persuade him to stop preaching the message of Islam. After realizing that these temptations had zero impact on Prophet Muhammad, they tried to torture him by all means  and Prophet Muhammad even survived a well-planned  assassination plot sponsored by the Arabian tribes of Mecca by the Will of the Creator and finally migrated from his motherland as per the order of the Creator, with great sorrow and pain. There were several assassination attempts by enemies throughout Prophet Muhammad’s life since his prophethood , but the Prophet survived them all only because of the Divine protection from the Creator, nothing else.
Therefore, if the illiterate  Prophet Muhammad had attempted to fabricate Qur’an either by himself  or stealing it from Bible or Torah it could be easily caught and mercilessly  destroyed and defeated at once by his educated, literate enemies, i.e., the powerful and mighty Arabian tribes (who were united against their common enemy, the Prophet Muhammad), Christians and Jews of his time . There were educated, literate people in Arabia who could produce a better work than Qur’an because Prophet Muhammad was an illiterate whereas his enemies were united, wealthy, powerful and enjoyed support of  several men who all were educated, literate  and were able to do all humanly possible solutions to destroy Prophet Muhammad forever. But no one in Arabia was able to produce a work similar to Qur’an or better than Qur’an.
 The eternal challenge raised in the Holy Qur’an by the God to the mankind,  to produce a chapter like the Qur’an, remains unchallenged even after 1400 years, even in this 21st century:
“Or do they say: “He (Prophet Muhammad)  has forged it (this Quran)?” Nay! they do not believe. Then let them bring an announcement like it if they are truthful.” [ Translations of the Qur’an, Surah 52: AT-TUR (THE MOUNT, Verses 052.033, 052.034) ]
“And if you are in doubt as to that which We have revealed to Our servant (Prophet Muhammad), then produce a chapter like it and call on your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful.”  [ Translations of the Qur’an, Surah 2: AL-BAQARA (THE COW, Verse 002.023) ]
“Say: “If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.”” [ Translations of the Qur’an, Surah 17: AL-ISRA (ISRA’, THE NIGHT JOURNEY, CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, Verse 017.088 ) ]
NOTE: There are still some more verses of challenge in the  Holy Qur’an which are not mentioned here for convenience. Quoting all will make this article too broad. Actually, the whole Holy Qur’an of 114 chapters is the evidence for it is the Word of God and it is recommended to read and understand the Holy Qur’an our self from credible sources to realize this life-changing reality entirely because it is not the private property of Muslims, instead it has been revealed for entire mankind to guide them to eternal success and happiness.
Also,  how rational and logical it is to assume that a man who was an illiterate, honored, loved and nicknamed as Al-Ameen (trustworthy) because of his honesty by all Arabian tribes, who had never told  a  lie or cheated anyone for financial, material, or personal gains in his entire youth until 40 years old, before his prophethood at the age of 40,  suddenly lied and made false claims about the existence of God and fabricated the Holy Qur’an , even surviving well-planned assassination plots and continuous tortures against him?
In addition, if no one in Arabia was able to produce a work similar to the Holy Qur’an or better than the Holy Qur’an, why didn’t the Prophet Muhammad take credit for the authorship of the Holy Qur’an and wasted the golden opportunity to become great like William Shakespeare or someone else?
Moreover, if Prophet Muhammad had fabricated the Holy  Qur’an, how can be there a criticism of Prophet Muhammad  in the Holy Qur’an? See the following verses of the Holy Qur’an in this regard:
“He (Prophet Muhammad)  frowned and turned (his) back. Because there came to him (Prophet Muhammad) the blind man. And what would make you (Prophet Muhammad) know that he (the blind man) would purify himself, or become reminded so that the reminder should profit him (the blind man)?” [ Translations of the Qur’an, Surah 80: ABASA (HE FROWNED, Verses 080.001-004) ]
O Prophet! Why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you? You seek to please your wives? and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” [ Translations of the Qur’an, Surah 66: AT-TAHRIM (BANNING, PROHIBITION, Verse 066.001) ]
This criticism of Prophet Muhammad by the God in the Holy Qur’an remains unaltered from 1400 years ago and it will remain unaltered until the Day of Judgment as the Holy Qur’an is divinely protected by the God and any human being even Prophet Muhammad couldn’t alter it.
Think logically, is it possible to fabricate the below verses by a human being ?
“Most surely, it is the Word brought by an honored Messenger, And it is not the word of a poet; little is it that you believe; Nor the word of a soothsayer; little is it that you mind.  It is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds. And if he had fabricated against Us some of the sayings, We would certainly have seized him by the right hand, Then We would certainly have cut off his aorta. And not one of you could have withheld Us from him. And most surely it is a reminder for those who guard (against evil). And most surely We know that some of you are rejecters. And most surely it is a great grief to the unbelievers. And most surely it is the true certainty. Therefore-glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.” [ Translations of the Qur’an,  Surah 69: AL-HAAQQA (THE REALITY, Verses 40-52) ]
These verses reveal the fact neither Prophet Muhammad fabricated the Holy Qur’an nor Prophet Muhammad had any influence on the original verses of the Holy Qur’an which  revealed to him by the Creator.
1. Let me ask you. “You” were not existed 100 years ago. Then why do “you” exist now? What caused it? Don’t categorize atoms or electrons of your physical body as “you”. Atoms or electrons are not “you”. They can’t produce the unique “you” and your individual consciousness or the unique feeling that “you exist right now; you aware of your surroundings; your unique feeling of pain and sorrow” etc.  Atoms or electrons of your physical body have nothing to do with “You” and your consciousness. Atoms or electrons which exist now in your body are doing so, according to the same laws of physics in which those atoms or electrons used to exist earlier somewhere in the universe, before you are on the earth or after.
2. What is the logical and rational credibility and plausibility of the assumption our beloved atheists and evolutionists that physical objects (obviously they are made up of atoms and atoms don’t have any self-awareness and consciousness), for example, a rock (or any inorganic, non-living matter) of certain mass (Kg), when subjected to blind, unconscious, unplanned and unintelligent evolutionary forces of magnitude of certain Newtons (N) for trillion, trillion, trillions of years or even infinite time, the original rock will become ‘self-aware’ in such a way that now the rock is able to ‘think’, ‘aware’, and ‘reason’ about even ‘its’ own existence and ‘its’ surroundings, able to grasp the laws of physics, mathematics, able to involve in logical reasoning, able to draw logical conclusions, able to feel sense of justice, sense of purpose and sense of existence, able to involve in rational thinking, able to feel pain and sorrow etc.?


The Holy Qur’an raises the below mentioned question to people who don’t trust that there is a Creator:
Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators?” ( The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 52, Verse 35)
Yes, the existence of our “SELF” is the biggest EVIDENCE FOR the existence of a CREATOR. The science has proved that what we experience in our brain as light, sound, touch, smell, taste are mere electrical signals. The reality of what we call the original “matter” as firmly believed by our beloved atheists that “to be existing out side our brain” can’t be known through our 5 senses. We are experiencing only electrical signals in our brain.
For example, when we observe a burning candle in front of us, what we actually perceive is the mere electrical signals. The light of candle will never illuminate inside area of our skull and center of vision at the back of our brain. There is no entry for light to interior parts of our brain. Please note that Inside of our brain remains dark through out our life. It means that we are actually observing a bright, colorful candle light from inside the “dark room” of our brain.
Our experience of physical world merely a perception similar to a dream during our sleep. As per the laws of logical reasoning, everything that can be seen or touched with the hand is real. In our dreams too we can see and touch matter. During our dreams, our body is stationary but we run, jump, experience fear, happiness, sorrow etc. in the same way as of the physical world. It is only when we wake up from a dream come to know that it was only a dream. There is no logical reasons to reject that “real life” can’t be a dream. It is logically possible to have a dream with in an extended dream called “real life”. The reason why we think dream is fancy while “real life” is real is nothing but a product of of prejudices and habits that were formed since our birth.
So, the question is WHO is experiencing this electrical signals in ONE’S brain? It is not the brain. Brain is a physical object. Brain is is a perception like any other object such as our hands, legs, fingers, people, earth, universe etc,- which are all mere electrical signals.
In short, brain knows only electrical signals and not “matter existing outside” as believed by our beloved atheists.
So who is watching a bright, colorful world from the “dark room” inside of of our brain?
So, who is experiencing happiness, sorrow, fear, anger, light, sound, touch ,smell, taste etc. using the brain?
So, who is using the brain for rational thinking and logical reasoning?
It is a logical necessity that there must be an all-power full, all-knowing CREATOR who creates this perceptions of vision, sound, touch, smell and taste which are experienced by one’s SELF at every moment. It can be compared to a television in which a picture is displayed as long as signal is broadcasted. Once the broadcast stopped, image on the screen of the television will also disappear.

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